Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Goodbye Snider Plaza!

To The Wonderful Customers of Uptown Country Home,
Full disclosure: I am completely un-showered with spit up all over me, a little teary and a lot tired as I write you this letter.  With a new baby at home and the opportunity to spend more time enjoying that experience, I have decided it is best to close the storefront in Snider Plaza.  After 4 years in La Jolla and 7 years in Dallas, Uptown Country will no longer be a retail store, but I'm still just as committed as ever to help you love your home.
I have opened a booth at the brand-spankin' new Richardson Mercantile which opened last Friday.  That booth (and more booths to come), will be my little storefront where I can share my finds and fix-ups with you the same way I have in Snider Plaza.  Mom will have a booth too by mid-January!

I also promise to always have paint all over me like the Jenny you all know.  I absolutely love custom painting your furniture and will continue to do so - just out of my house which is 5 minutes from Snider Plaza!  I plan to focus more on my artwork and will always take painting commissions of your beautiful children, weddings, pets, etc.  I am so grateful for all of you who support my art work and bring furniture to me to makeover, and I hope you continue to do so. Thank you for always making it possible for me to keep a paint brush in my hand.

Our online store will remain open as well!

Please stay in touch via Facebooktwitter, email, The Uptown Girl Blog or Instagram for all the info about the new chapter at Uptown Country. Exciting things will still be happening!

I am so thrilled to have met everyone who has come in the shop, and I am honored you have filled your homes with our merchandise. I can't tell you how much it means to me that as you read this email you may be sitting near a treasure you purchased from Uptown Country that has made its way to your home.  Whether you are a new customer who wandered in last week or have been with us since the beginning - I appreciate you more than you know. I hope you continue to let me paint your furniture and paintings, and go see the new finds and creations I have for you through various booths and events around town. 

Thank you for being so wonderful.  For now, let's have a giant store closing SALE!

Much love, 
Jenny Grumbles Koziol

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